Air conditioning servicing & repairs.
Quality care for your cool air.

Auto A/C isn't just a little luxury for use on those hot and humid days in the summer months to keep us cool. Ideally it should be used all year round. Using your air conditioning during the cooler months will help demist the vehicle windows quicker by passing de-humidified air over them, plus help maintain a healthy air conditioning system due to constant component lubrication. Regular use will also help to minimise the build up of bacteria in the system which can cause bad odours, or even health problems if left untreated.

Air con not keeping you cool anymore?....

Book in for one of our services.


Air conditioning systems are filled with refrigerant gases under high pressure, this will usually be either R134a or R1234yf,  both of which require specialised equipment and training to work with, both of which we have. The system could possibly lose up to 10-15% of it's gas each year, so will most certainly need refilling from time to time. If this seems to be happening too frequently, you've probably got a leak somewhere. We can use pressure tests, detection dyes, UV lights and gas detection tools to find the source of the problem.

Before we attempt to refill your air conditioning system with gas, we'll always run a vacuum check on the system. This means we don't need to charge you for wasted gas if your system has a leak.


The natural loss of refrigerant gas through seals during periods of inactivity is very common. When the system is unused for extended periods of time, the system doesn't lubricate the connecting seals which can then shrink and allow some of the pressurised refrigerant to leak from the system. This results in a system that will be less efficient or unable to dry and cool the incoming cabin air. Total loss of the refrigerant gas is usually due to a more significant leak, most commonly caused by a component failure like a split hose, or a hole in the condenser, or worst case... a failed matrix or compressor.

Electrical faults can also cause the system to shut down. An air conditioning system will include items such as relays, pressure switches, fuses, connectors and cables which can all fail over time and cause the system to stop working.


Freshen up your vehicle with a basic air con treatment to eliminate odours and bacteria on the condenser, leaving the vehicle fresher and safer.                      For a complete clean, the system sanitize option gives you peace of mind. Viruses, bacteria and moulds can lurk in upholstery and the A/C circuit of any vehicle. For safety reasons, a thorough sanitation of the vehicle interior is recommended and more valid at this time than ever before. Ozone (O3), widely used to disinfect sanitary facilities, makes viruses that may be found on surfaces inert, while sterilizing the vehicle interior to remove moulds, bacteria and odours. You will receive a printed sanitation report at the end of the process to give you the confidence to breath freely. 

R134a Re-gas


  • Recycle old gas
  • Vacuum test system
  • Inject UV dye
  • Inject new lubricant
  • Add new gas to system
  • Test system function

System freshen

£20 (£15 if done with re-gas)

  • Cleans the airways in the cabin
  • Neutralises odours
  • Helps to remove harmful bacteria

System sanitize

£25 (£15 if done with re-gas)

  • Natural disinfectant
  • 100% Environmentally friendly
  • Eliminates harmful pathogens
  • Eliminates unpleasant odours
  • Completely harmless to vehicle
  • Receive a final sanitation report